Carotenoides en ate de vegetales


  • M.C. Calvo-Carrillo Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
  • F. Coronel Universidad Anáhuac
  • O.X. López Universidad Anáhuac



Ate, carotenoids, antioxidants, mexican candies, vegetables


Due to the type of diet and quality of life, chronic degenerative diseases have increased. This problema has been associated with the action of free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Increased consumption of antioxidants through food has been suggested. Vegetables are the inputs with the highest content and variety of these phytochemicals. Given the diversity of artisan techniques that are available in the production of regional produts, the aim of these research was to combine vegetables as a source of carotenoids in the preparation of the Ate, breaking with the tradición of only making it with conventional fruits. Papaya, carrot, tomato, and the juice of tangerine were used to make 4 mixtures that were added with pectin, sucrose, and citric acid. The tradicional procedure was applied to obtain the Ate. Five carotenoides (lutein, zeaxanthin, crytoxanthin, β-carotene and lycopene) were quantified, both in the raw material and in the developed products. The Ates were sensorial evaluated with a preference test. The results indicated that there was no difference between them. It is concluded that the Ates made with vegetables, despite the termal process used, retained the carotenoids and the combination used were accepted by the panelists.


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How to Cite

Calvo-Carrillo, M. ., Coronel, F. ., & López, O. . (2023). Carotenoides en ate de vegetales. Revista Investigación Y Desarrollo En Ciencia Y Tecnología De Alimentos, 8(1), 249–256.