Análisis de compresión uniaxial para diferentes formulaciones lácteas sólidas


  • A.R. Rodríguez-Damián Rodríguez-Damián Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • J.E. Botello-Álvarez Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • R. Miranda-López Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • A. Guzmán-López Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • M.G. Bravo-Sánchez Bravo-Sánchez Tecnológico Nacional de México



Texture, uniaxial compression, viscoelastic, fracturability, hardness, firmness


Cheese is a dairy product composed of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals that are essential and of nutritional importance. Panela cheese is a soft, creamy cheese, with a delicate texture and a pleasant flavor of fresh milk and salt, it is one of the varieties of fresh cheese, with low fat content. The humidity in this type of cheese confers crumbling and instability in the cheese structure, a phenomenon that affects firmness. The incorporation of stabilizers into the solid milk matrix can improve the texture and rheology of the cheese. Currently the way to measure the hardness of cheese and other similar foods is through the texturometer, considered an instrumental method that can easily mimic chewing and generates reproducibility of the hardness and fracturability measurement. Uniaxial texture analysis is a technique that defines as accurately as possible the viscosity or elasticity response of a food. Three commercial, solid, panela-type dairy formulations were analyzed to predict texture behavior. Based on the chemical composition, it was found that two brands of cheese contain vegetable fat, this can influence the hardness and firmness of the panela cheese.



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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Damián, A. R.-D., Botello-Álvarez, J. ., Miranda-López, R. ., Guzmán-López, A., & Bravo-Sánchez, M. B.-S. (2023). Análisis de compresión uniaxial para diferentes formulaciones lácteas sólidas. Revista Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, 8(1), 331–338.