Aprovechamiento de suero de leche para producción de celulosa microbiana


  • M. Salazar-Manzanares Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • J. Márquez-Reyes Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • B. Rodríguez-Romero Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • G. Méndez-Zamora Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • A. Luna-Maldonado Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • M. Treviño-Garza Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León




Whey, microbial cellulose, kombucha


One of the main sectors of the industry which generates a large amount of wastewater, with high content of organic matter is the dairy sector.  Whey is the most representative residue, since it has been categorized as a waste due to its high volumes generated, causing severe pollution problems. The objective of this research is to use a consortium of isolated Kombucha microorganisms capable of reducing the pollutant load of the effluent, at the same time that it produces microbial cellulose which can be used for other production processes. The physicochemical characteristics of the whey were monitored during 12 days of fermentation. The response variables were: % titratable acidity (At); pH; total sugars (AT); total solids (TS); total volatile solids (TVS); chemical oxygen demand (COD); protein (P) and bacterial cellulose weight (PCB).  Significant differences were observed for % At, pH, COD, P. The treatment that showed the greatest removal of pollutant load from the effluent was T1 (100;0) v/v, increasing in it % At; pH decreased from 5.5 to 3.5; concentrations (At) decreased from 32.7 to 7.2 g/L-1 and finally COD decreased from 172.25 to 63.75 g/L-1, in addition to presenting an increase in PCB.


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How to Cite

Salazar-Manzanares, M. ., Márquez-Reyes, J. ., Rodríguez-Romero, B., Méndez-Zamora, G. ., Luna-Maldonado , A., & Treviño-Garza, M. . (2023). Aprovechamiento de suero de leche para producción de celulosa microbiana . Revista Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, 8(1), 339–348. https://doi.org/10.29105/idcyta.v8i1.46