Detección de los alérgenos principales de la soya en diferentes matrices alimentarias




Allergen, antibody, soy, albumin 2S, glycinin


Food is essential for the development of humans since they provide the necessary nutrients for development, among them, proteins are of special interest due to their various functions, one of them is that they function as recognition molecules, in this sense, the immune system has the ability to recognize some proteins in some foods and mount an allergic response, known as hypersensitivity. Hypersensitivity is an exacerbated reaction of the immune system to an agent that is generally harmless. Soybean is a food widely used completely or partially in different foods thanks to its physicochemical properties, it consists of 4 fractions, which are classified according to their sedimentation properties: 2S, 7S, 11S and 15S, of which 2S and 11S are considered the allergens due to the molecular properties of its protein components. In this work, the production of polyclonal antibodies [anti-glycinin (11S) and anti-2S soy albumin] was carried out and the detection of proteins from soy was evaluated by means of ELISA and Western Blot methods in different foods. The detection of allergens in soybeans, textured soybeans, chorizo and to a lesser extent in tuna was found.


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How to Cite

Reyes-Farfán , S., Santellán-Olea, . M., & Luna-Suárez, . S. (2023). Detección de los alérgenos principales de la soya en diferentes matrices alimentarias. Revista Investigación Y Desarrollo En Ciencia Y Tecnología De Alimentos, 8(1), 7–15.