Elaboración de una bebida de nuez de macadamia


  • J.L. Serrano Zavala Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • D.M. Hernández-Martínez Instituto Politécnico Nacional https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4071-9832
  • G. Osorio-Revilla Instituto Politécnico Nacional




Macadamia nut, Macadamia integrifolia, Sauter's diameter, Brouckere's diameter, zeta potential


The consumption of vegetable beverages has increased in recent years due to the need of consumers for alternative beverages to cow's milk that could be of more sustainable origin, with new flavors or functional properties. In response to this need, the objective of this study was to elaborate on a macadamia nut-based beverage and study its physicochemical stability. Fifteen beverages were prepared with different formulations, varying macadamia nut (M), soy lecithin (L), and gellan gum (G) contents. The zeta potential and particle size (Sauter's diameter and Brouckere's diameter) were analyzed on day one and after two months of refrigerated storage at 4°C. After two months, Sauter's diameter ranged from 14.5 to 31.4 m; Broukere diameter ranged from 55 to 81.7 m, and zeta potential ranged from -26.2 to -32.4 mV. According to the results, the most stable formulation was formulation 3 with 4 % M, 0.8 % L, and 0.3 % G. The combination of gellan gum and soy lecithin provided good stability to the beverage.


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How to Cite

Serrano Zavala, J. ., Hernández-Martínez, D. ., & Osorio-Revilla, G. . (2023). Elaboración de una bebida de nuez de macadamia. Revista Investigación Y Desarrollo En Ciencia Y Tecnología De Alimentos, 8(1), 471–476. https://doi.org/10.29105/idcyta.v8i1.63