Desarrollo de un bioproceso: kéfir vegano de arroz-avena con propiedades antioxidantes


  • A. García-Hernández Universidad de Guanajuato
  • G. Hernández-Guzmán Universidad de Guanajuato
  • J.E. Barboza-Corona Universidad de Guanajuato
  • G. Rodríguez-Hernández Universidad de Guanajuato



Kefir, probiotics, DPPH, proteolysis, functional food, fermentation


of 11 bacteria and a yeast, to develop a vegan kefir formulation based on rice and oats, testing three different rice-oat ratios (50-50%, 25-75% and 75-25% respectively) and one of them was chosen.  Subsequently, we worked with three kefir treatments (one vegan, one based on cow's milk and a water-based control), quantified microbiologically (aerobic mesophilic fungi and bacteria) and monitored during their shelf life (twelve days) in terms of titratable acidity, peptide concentration, proteolytic activities, and antioxidants (DPPH radical). Of which, it was observed that the titratable acidity presented significant differences by effect of treatments (P≤0.01), for the proteolytic activity there was no significant difference by effect of treatments (P≥0.01), for the peptide concentration decrease was observed during shelf life (P≤0.01) with differences due to the effect of treatments (P≤0.01). Likewise, the beverages presented antioxidant activity in situ, with differences due to the effect of treatments (P≤0.01), monitoring day (P≤0.01), and the two concentrations used of the DPPH radical (P≤0.01).


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How to Cite

García-Hernández, A. ., Hernández-Guzmán, G., Barboza-Corona, J., & Rodríguez-Hernández, G. (2023). Desarrollo de un bioproceso: kéfir vegano de arroz-avena con propiedades antioxidantes. Revista Investigación Y Desarrollo En Ciencia Y Tecnología De Alimentos, 8(1), 526–531.