Obtención de fibra soluble a partir de desechos agroindustriales y su aplicación en alimentos


  • R.C. Martinez-Yañez Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Ecatepec
  • M.E. Rodríguez-Huezo Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Ecatepec




Soluble fiber, agroindustrial waste, emerging methods


In this work, extensive research was carried out on the concepts of dietary fiber (DF) since it has currently been shown that the population suffers from diseases such as diabetes, cancer, obesity, among others. The incidence of these diseases has been related to a diet consumption with an inadequate low fiber content and to a lack of physical activity. It has been shown that the consumption of diets rich in DF content produce health benefits. Large amounts of agro-industrial waste are produced worldwide, and there exists a drive to reutilize these wastes for obtaining added value products.  Many of these wastes are rich in DF, which can be obtained through some treatment, and used for its incorporation into food. The benefits provided by DF and its mechanisms of action, its technological properties when incorporated into foods and how they help improve their final characteristics, were also investigated. Likewise, the most common official methods for analyzing and extracting DF were investigated, and finally, the emerging methods that can convert insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) into soluble dietary fiber (SDF) from agro-industrial waste, for its use as an additive or ingredient for the preparation of novel soluble fiber rich foods.


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How to Cite

Martinez-Yañez, R. ., & Rodríguez-Huezo, M. . (2023). Obtención de fibra soluble a partir de desechos agroindustriales y su aplicación en alimentos . Revista Investigación Y Desarrollo En Ciencia Y Tecnología De Alimentos, 8(1), 724–731. https://doi.org/10.29105/idcyta.v8i1.94